Hi! I would like to welcome you to the Willow Martial Arts website. My name is Pat Weseman, Head Instructor for Willow Martial Arts. I have over 30 years experience studying and teaching martial arts. I hold a 7th Dan rank with Kukkiwon and AAU.
Classes are taught at the Kirkwood Community Center in Kirkwood, MO. I teach two 5-7 year old kid’s classes, a beginning class and an advanced class. Classes are held year round. I have a team of black belts that I have guided through the years, who help me with the classes.
Documentary on Taekwondo
Kid Power
I have been a district and regional director with AAU Taekwondo program for over 20 year. At the national level I am an Officials’ Clinic Administrator and I hold the position of Officials Program Administrator.
Besides my classes, I host a yearly AAU Taekwondo Qualifying Tournament and several seminars. If you have any questions or want more information, feel free to contact me.
The Willow Logo

Always strive to do your best.
For it is in doing your best that you can truly take pride. In losing, remember the joy of winning and be joyous for the victor.
In winning, remember that others have lost and be gracious.
In doing this you will learn to be humble. Before challenging the enemy outside, first you must conquer the enemy within.
Overcome your own ego, fear, and self-doubt.
In doing this you will become strong. Always remember that everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Listen patiently and openly to others and value all new ideas.
In doing this you will learn to be meek.