Lawrence Doyle

Lawrence Doyle first joined Tae Kwon Do when he was in fourth grade because his sister, Carlow, talked his mom, Anna, into taking a class. Lawrence wanted to learn how to fight and was determined to get his black belt. Tae Kwon Do helped Lawrence increased his focus, listening skills and respect for others. Lawrence learned more about time management. Lawrence matured both physically and mentally in the past five years. Lawrence learned how to lead people and work with adults on learning new skills. Over the five years working toward his black belt, Lawrence competed in AAU Local and Regional tournaments, winning multiple medals. In 2018, Lawrence competed in AAU Nationals and Junior Olympics coming home with great experiences and multiple medals. Lawrence earned his 1st Don Black Belt in February 2019.

Lawrence teaches the Kid’s Classes and specializes in jumping kicks. Lawrence enjoys breaking, flying side kicks, front jump kicks, self-defenses, forms and weapons forms. Outside of the dojang, Lawrence is working toward earning his Eagle Scout in 2019. Lawrence also plays the cello and performed at Carnegie Hall with Nipher Middle School. Lawrence attends Kirkwood High School and plans to study engineering in college.