Alexis Roberts

Alexis Roberts (aka Barbie) started her taekwondo training in 2011 when she was 4 years old, she has always been a very “special” student in her own ways. If she got told there was one way to do something she’d find a different way incorporating her own style. Her favorite parts of the sport are Olympic sparring, board breaking, and her weapon of choice fans. When she chose fans she chose them because she simply thought the other weapons were too boring/basic for her liking. She is the fans master. One of the most important things Alexis believes you can learn in taekwondo is patience, perseverance, and balance. Alexis struggled with balance in her life, patience, and perseverance. She struggled so much to the point where her anxiety almost stopped her from doing a lot of things but she founds ways to deal with it. Outside of class Alexis is extremely busy she participates in swimming, piano, sewing, competitive synchronized figure skating, musical theatre, and she teaches learn to skate to little kids.